The major of Food Nutrition and Testing is one of the founding majors of the College of Food Science and Technology. Adhering to the student-oriented educational philosophy and guided by social and market demands, it promotes the 2+2 talent classification and classification training mode. That is to say, students in the second grade of this major who complete all courses in the whole sophomore year and pass the grades can voluntarily apply to study in Japan. Students will study Japanese in the junior year of Beppugou short-term University and have an internship for one year. In the second year, they will start to study professional courses. At the end of the two-year study, they will get the short-term college graduation certificate of Beppugou Ministry and the qualification certificate of Food Nutriteur issued by the Japanese National Labor Department (recognized by the Ministry of Education of China). At the end of the four-year university study, students can receive an associate's degree from the College of Overseas Chinese and a short university diploma from Beppugou.

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