The School of Food and Pharmacy currently has two undergraduate majors: Food Quality and Safety, Food Nutrition and Health. There are five higher vocational majors and directions, namely food intelligent processing technology (food safety and testing), food intelligent processing technology (baking and beverage processing), food inspection and testing technology (the original food nutrition and testing major), food quality and safety, and biopharmaceutical technology, which will effectively connect higher vocational majors and undergraduates and promote the effective improvement of students' academic education.

      The Food and Pharmacy Comprehensive Training Center covers an area of 6,250 square meters, and has a demonstration virtual simulation training base in Shanghai - Food and Pharmacy Inspection Virtual Simulation Training Base, and Shanghai Agricultural Products and Food Inspector Skills Appraisal Station. It has training and teaching facilities including high-end instruments and equipment such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid phase and laboratories, and currently has more than 30 large-scale laboratories and several auxiliary experimental preparation rooms for teaching, such as pharmaceutical process laboratory, food technology laboratory, baking and beverage laboratory, nutrition catering and sensory evaluation laboratory, food nutrition simulation laboratory, pathogenic bacteria detection sterile room, atomic absorption/fluorescence laboratory, GC-MS laboratory, high-performance liquid phase laboratory, etc., as well as 1 pilot production line for bakery food processing.

     The professional faculty is abundant, the faculty structure is reasonable, the advantages are complementary, and the echelon is closely connected. The professional team of food quality and safety is a teaching innovation team of teachers at the municipal level, with 15 provincial and ministerial-level high-level teachers, such as provincial famous teachers, provincial academic and technical leaders, provincial outstanding young scientific and technological experts, Shanghai Chenguang scholars, winners of Shanghai Yucai Award, and Shanghai Talent Accumulation Program. There are more than 80 full-time and part-time teachers in the college, including 55 full-time teachers, including 19 teachers with associate senior titles and above, 15 doctors, and more than 75% of the teachers are double-teachers. In recent years, he has made fruitful achievements in professional development, edited and participated in the compilation of 13 published textbooks, and completed the construction of 4 course resource databases. It has won 2 national awards and 33 Shanghai municipal awards in competitions such as Internet + and Challenge Cup.

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