The directly affiliated party branch of the college carries out the activity of making Chinese and western pastries

To enrich the life of grassroots party organizations, at 9:00am on April 30th, the Party branch directly under the School of Food and Pharmacy organized a pastry making activity. The staff of the Party branch of Zhangyan Market Office were invited to participate in this event.

At the beginning of the event, Jianlan Chen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch directly under the college, explained in detail the production methods of Chinese style buns from the steps of material formula, kneading techniques, leaven dough, and rolling out skins. She personally demonstrated the entire process of making two types of shaped buns, and the entire operation was smooth and skillful.

Immediately after, under the guidance of Secretary Chen, everyone eagerly began making steamed buns. In no time, formed buns were born in everyone's hands. After the hot and chubby buns were cooked, everyone eagerly tasted them and took photos as a souvenir, expressing a great sense of achievement.

Subsequently, everyone used cake preforms, fresh fruits, and whipped cream to unleash their imagination and experience making fruit cakes, milking oil, adding fruits, and sculpting, experiencing endless fun from it.

By carrying out this grassroots party building activity, we have made a good start in building a good cooperative relationship in the field of grassroots party building and creating the party building brand of Yanxin Voice - Market Supervision in Campus.

Typography: Guyu Hu

Manuscript: Haiyan Gu

Shooting: Ke Teng

Proofreading: Chenqian Shen

Editor in Chief: Haowen Liu/Siqi Jia

Reviewing: Yingying Dai

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