Food Inspection and Testing Technology Major

Connecting industries and positions: The Food Inspection and Testing Technology major is committed to cultivating high-level technical and applied talents in positions such as nutrition food preparers, sports nutrition consulting and instructors, and agricultural food inspectors in the food manufacturing industry.

Major courses: Including Dietary survey and evaluation, Nutritional catering and design, Food cooking and nutrition, Special population nutrition, Food analysis and testing, Food microbiology testing, Nutrition and diet, Functional food processing, Food additives, and Food sensory evaluation etc 10 core courses.

Integration of industry and education:This major has established good cooperative relationships with enterprises such as Baiyuete Biotechnology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Microspectral Testing Technology Group Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Damel Pizza Co., Ltd., and has signed a modern apprenticeship pilot contract with Shanghai Microspectral Testing Technology Group Co., Ltd., effectively ensuring student employment.

Professional features: This major is a pilot program for the 1+X Sports Nutrition Counseling and Guidance Vocational Skill Level Certificate, and has been declared as an assessment pilot. This major sets up a 2+2 visiting study program and cooperates with Befugou University in Japan to run a school. After participating in the visiting study program, interested students can obtain a bachelor's degree in food nutrition and a diploma.

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