Jie Ping Party Secretary of the University Visited Our College to Investigate and Guide the Degree Evaluation Work

On the afternoon of May 12th, Ping Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, visited the School of Food and Drug to investigate and guide the degree evaluation work. Wu Youzhi, dean of the School of Food and Drug, Dai Xiaobo, deputy dean of teaching, Chen Jianlan, deputy secretary of the direct Party Branch of the School of Food and Drug, Wei Yongzhong, professional teacher, Ji Yuqi, experimenter, attended the research meeting.

At the meeting, President Wu Youzhi reported the division of labor of supporting materials for degree evaluation in the early stage and the preparation of supporting materials for degree evaluation at present.

Secretary Pinger carefully listened to the report of the degree evaluation, and put forward the guidance for the revision of the materials. He pointed out that the moral education as the foundation, the moral education into the whole process of education, to cultivate the era of new people who can bear the great responsibility of national rejuvenation, at the same time around the discipline construction, talent introduction, teachers construction, personnel training and large-scale experimental equipment platform construction exchanges.

The School of Food and Drug will also build consensus among teachers and students and form joint efforts to do a good job in the current epidemic prevention and control work, degree evaluation and international certification.

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