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SHZQU Hosts Inauguration Ceremony of 2024 International Exchange Camp

Release Time:2024-09-23Views:12

On the morning of September 19, Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University(SHZQU) held the Inauguration ceremony for the 2024 International Exchange Camp, warmly welcoming students from Germanyfor an international exchange program.

This exchange program marks a significant deepening of cooperation between the two universities and provides a platform for cross-cultural exchange and learning. A portion of the German students will continue studies at SHZQU for an additional three months following the short-term exchange.

In welcome address section,Huojia Zhen, president of SHZQU , representing SHZQU's faculty and students, expressed sincere welcome to the German students. He emphasized that international exchange is vital for promoting educational diversity and innovative development. SHZQU places great importance on internationalization; this exchange program represents not only academic collaboration but also a deep cultural integration between China and Germany. He encouraged students to engage with campus life, immerse themselves in Chinese culture, and gain valuable academic and personal growth experiences, fostering friendship and broadening their international perspectives. Finally, he concluded with best wishes for success in their future studies and lives.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Kern and Prof. Dr. Wendy Fehlner, representatives from DHBW, expressed gratitude for SHZQU's warm hospitality. They highlighted that this exchange camp is a new beginning for cultural and academic cooperation, providing German students with a valuable opportunity to understand Chinese education system and rich cultural traditions. With the acceleration of globalization, they noted the increasing importance of international cooperation and cross-cultural exchange, and emphasized that this program is a significant platform for mutual learning and growth among young people from both countries.

Yuan Hui, Dean of the School of International Education, warmly welcomed the German students, stating that this exchange camp aims to foster Sino-German academic cooperation and cultural exchange. she encouraged students to participate actively in learning and various campus activities. The short-term program includes numerous courses and activities focused on understanding Chinese culture, allowing participants to experience cultural charm and explore history and modernity of Shanghai. She expressed hopes that all participants would gain knowledge and insights, and enjoy an unforgettable time together.

Student representative from SHZQU shared high expectations for the exchange program, noting that studying and interacting with peers from different countries would enhance understanding of diverse cultures, language skills, and international perspectives, ultimately benefiting personal development. He emphasized that SHZQU students are committed to supporting German peers, making effort to ensure they will feel warmth and inclusivity while studying abroad.

Student representative from Germany expressed their enthusiasm for Chinese culture, particularly its rich history and traditions, as well as the modern and inclusive atmosphere of Shanghai. They eagerly anticipated a deeper understanding of culture and society, hoping to experience a unique university life at SHZQU and forge lasting friendships with Chinese teachers and classmates.

As the first higher education institution in Germany to integrate academic studies with workplace training, DHBW is renowned for its focus on vocational orientation and collaborative research, emphasizing the cultivation of applied talents and alignment with vocational systems. This collaboration will inject new energy into SHZQU's vocational education development and international cooperation, laying a solid foundation for future exchanges. The exchange aims to facilitate mutual growth among young students from China and Germany, promoting shared learning and progress. SHZQU is committed to expanding its international perspective, enhancing educational quality, deepening international cooperation, and cultivating high-quality talents with international perspectives, thereby contributing to the development of vocational education and internationalization.

Edited and Translated by Lin Danbei