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Zhongqiao University’s Students and Faculty Successfully Complete Study Tour at Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts, UK

Release Time:2024-09-09Views:27

From August 3 to 17, 2024, a group of 13 outstanding students from Zhongqiao University embarked on a two-week study tour in the United Kingdom. This short-term exchange program not only provided the students with a valuable opportunity to engage with one of the world’s top academic institutions but also offered a profound experience in cultural, academic, and personal growth.

The study program, meticulously planned and organized by Zhongqiao University in collaboration with the Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts (CSVPA), featured a carefully designed series of language and art courses, along with cultural exchange activities. These activities allowed the Zhongqiao students to experience UK's rich academic atmosphere and cultural heritage up close, broadening their international perspectives and enhancing their overall competencies.

During their time in the UK, the local instructors employed dynamic and interactive methods to teach the language courses, creatively integrating language learning with art appreciation. The students eagerly participated in discussions and exchanges, sparking numerous innovative ideas. In addition, the UK side arranged specialized design courses for the students. Guided by professional instructors, the students visited the Cambridge Botanical Garden for field study and eventually completed their own printmaking projects.

Outside of intensive studies, the students actively engaged in cultural activities around Cambridge and London. They visited numerous historical sites and attractions in the ancient city of Cambridge, such as King’s College, the Cambridge Botanical Garden, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Museum of Zoology, and Darwin College. These iconic landmarks allowed the students to gain a more direct understanding of Cambridge's unique charm as a world-renowned academic institution and international cultural exchange hub.

After two weeks of learning and exchange, each student expressed that they had gained immensely from the experience. They not only acquired specialized knowledge and broadened their academic horizons but also improved their cross-cultural communication skills. More importantly, this experience ignited their aspirations and ambitions for future academic and professional development. The study tour provided Zhongqiao students with firsthand exposure to the academic atmosphere and cultural richness of a world-class institution and further inspired them to explore the limitless possibilities for their future.

Contributed by International Cooperation Office, Sheng Yumeng

Edited and Translated by Lin Danbei