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Students and Faculty from Zhongqiao University Successfully Complete Study Tour at Curtin University, Australia

Release Time:2024-08-15Views:18

To strengthen international exchange and advance the internationalization of Zhongqiao University, a group led by Peng Nan, a teacher from the School of International Education, and comprising eightstudents, participated in a two-week credit-based study program at Curtin University in Australia, focusing on the theme of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship."

During the program, the students attended a series of insightful lectures delivered by renowned scholars from Curtin University. These lectures deepened the students' understanding of the field of business management. Additionally, local entrepreneurs shared their real-life experiences, detailing how they progressed from humble beginnings to achieving remarkable success. Their stories, filled with perseverance, innovation, and relentless effort, provided invaluable lessons and inspiration for the students.

Beyond academic exchanges, the study tour group also visited local modern food factories, co-working spaces, and the renowned Fremantle company. Through on-site inspections and detailed explanations from staff, the students gained an in-depth understanding of these enterprises' background stories and development trajectories. They also learned about the challenges these companies faced during their growth and the strategies they employed to overcome them. These vivid success stories demonstrated that only through continuous effort and perseverance can one reach the pinnacle of success.

In addition to their studies, the group took advantage of the weekends to explore famous attractions such as Rottnest Island, Caversham Wildlife Park, and the historic town of Fremantle. These excursions allowed them to experience the unique culture and natural beauty of Perth, further enriching their overseas study experience.

Throughout the visit, the students diligently completed all required tasks and presented their group projects. At the end of the program, all eight students successfully obtained completion certificates in accordance with Curtin University's educational standards. This study tour not only broadened the international horizons of Zhongqiao University students but also played a significant role in enhancing international exchange and cooperation between Zhongqiao University and Curtin University.

Contributed by the School of International Education

Translated by Lin Danbei