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Successful Completion of the Study Visit Program of Zhongqiao University to Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University

Release Time:2024-07-22Views:41

On July 1, 2024, 8 faculty members and students from Zhongqiao University embarked on a two-week exchange program at Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Germany.

During the exchange, faculty and students visited 3 campuses of the DHBW, experiencing firsthand the unique educational models and teaching methods in Germany. They gained in-depth insights into innovative management courses and attended lectures on the cultural differences between China and Germany. Experts and scholars from various fields shared cutting-edge academic perspectives and practical experiences, broadening the horizons of our participants and stimulating their thinking and creativity. Additionally, our faculty and students interacted with peers from Germany and other countries, significantly improving their language skills and cross-cultural communication abilities.

Besides, our participants also visited renowned local enterprises for practical learning. They gained a deep understanding of advanced production technologies and management practices, experiencing the working environment and culture of multinational companies firsthand. This practical component enabled our faculty and students to combine theory with practice, leading to a more intuitive and profound understanding of their respective fields.

During their brief breaks from study, faculty and students visited Switzerland and France to immerse themselves in the local customs and traditions. The scenic Rhine River and charming towns in Switzerland, the historical buildings and romantic art atmosphere in France, and the Gothic architectural styles in Strasbourg and Freiburg left a lasting impression on them. These trips not only allowed participants to experience the unique local cultures but also provided them with an opportunity to appreciate the academic environment and ambiance of distinguished institutions, further enriching their understanding of the integration of culture, art, and history.

This exchange program in Germany provided our faculty and students with valuable learning and communication opportunities, broadening their international perspectives and enhancing their cross-cultural communication skills. Through in-depth study of Germany's dual education system and its integration of theory and practice, they have not only developed a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future but also gained new inspirations and ideas for future teaching and learning.

Contributed by Zhao Song

Edited and Translated by Lin Danbei