Campus Life

Teaching Database of FinTech Speicalty Group Admitted to Shanghai Municipal Teaching Demonstration Resources Bank

Release Time:2024-03-14Views:17

A few days ago, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission announced The Construction List for the Third Batch of Shanghai Vocational Education Municipal Teaching Demonstration Resources Bank Project, the teaching database of FinTech specialty group from School of Economics and Management was admitted to the Bank.


It is reported that the construction of teaching demonstration resources bank is a quality improvement project to deepen the reform of vocational education and promote the co-construction and sharing of high-quality teaching resources. Since August 2023, Professor HUANG Kanmei, Director of FinTech Application of School of Economics and Management, has been working hard to pool the teaching resources from FinTech Application, Securities Practice, and Financial Services and Management, and other subjects in the specialty group for the purpose of improving its construction. Professor HUANG subsequently applied for the admission on behalf of faculty members involved.


The admission fully demonstrates the remarkable achievements of School of Economics and Management in deepening teaching reform, improving the quality of personnel training and promoting the co-construction and sharing of high-quality teaching resources. At the same time, it also promotes informatization and digitalization FinTech teaching reform, effectuates the co-construction and sharing of high-quality teaching resources, and further improves the quality of FinTech talents.