
Applied English

Release Time:2023-02-17Views:11

Features: Applied English is one of the majors with the longest history in our university. It cultivates students English learning skills and lifelong development potential through the three-dimensional ability training model of English proficiencycareer readiness and intercultural competence.

Objectives: The major helps students develop their English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills as well as intercultural communication skills. Students of this major shall be competent for jobs in international business and trade and have the potential for future career development.

Courses: Comprehensive English, English Viewing, Listening, and Speaking, English-speaking Countries Overview and Culture, Business English (BEC), Electronic Commerce, International Business Etiquette, International Business Negotiation and Communication, etc.

Vocational Certificates: Business English Certificate, IELTS, Certificate of International Commercial Documents, E-commerce Consultant CertificateForeign Trade Salesman Certificate and other job qualification certificates.

Career Preparation: After graduation, students can enter other domestic universities to study for undergraduate degrees; they can also be recommended to study for the undergraduate degree or above in The University of South Wales, UK; or enter various commercial enterprises and institutions to engage in areas like business, trade and English teaching.