
【新闻周】2024年双语主播台 “新闻早知道”第十四期新闻播报


'Singer 2024' unfolds in Changsha with a diverse array of talent

In a dynamic news conference held in Changsha, Hunan province, the stage was set for the highly anticipated

music extravaganza, Singer 2024. This show brings together a constellation of gifted singers from both

domestic and international backgrounds to engage in a series of electrifying performances.

Renowned celebrities such as American diva Chante Moore, veteran singer Na Ying, the rock band Second Hand

Rose, Taiwan singer-actress Rainie Yang, and Moroccan-Canadian singer-songwriter Faouzia have all lent their

talent to this captivating competition.

With a mission to cultivate China's premier music landscape, Singer 2024 promises audiences 12 live shows

that will be broadcast in real-time throughout the season. The show's emphasis on authenticity,

competitiveness, and drama ensures a viewing experience that is both immersive and engaging, reshaping

conventional perceptions of music competitions.

This year, the program has enlisted a live audience jury of 500 members and 500 online viewers from diverse

domestic and international backgrounds to participate in simultaneous live voting for their favorite performers.

Producer Hong Xiao highlights the program's commitment to showcasing a spectrum of musical genres,

catering to the varied tastes of the audience.

Hong Xiao elaborates, "In recognition of individual preferences, we have curated a lineup representing diverse

music genres such as pop and rock. Identifying singers who embody exceptional vocal prowess, courage, and

availability has been a meticulous process. Our goal is to unveil exceptionally talented performers on the grand

stage of Singer 2024, offering a platform for these artists to shine and captivate audiences worldwide."




审核|胡海燕 盛雨濛
