
Academic seminar held by School of Foreign Languages


On the morning of Sept. 21, 2022, the School of Foreign Languages held an academic seminar at Tencent Conference . The seminar was presided over by Ms. Li Xiuming, the Teaching Dean of the School of Foreign Languages. All the faculty of the school attended the seminar.

Ms. Guo Huihui's paper focuses on the teaching design of task-based teaching method and analyzes the application of task-based teaching method in the teaching of English reading in vocational colleges, with a view to improving the English reading ability of vocational college students and improving the teaching effect.

The second speaker is teacher Yu Xiaochen. Ms. Yu shared the source, methods and progress of her research based on her experience in directing the vocabulary competition. Through online questionnaire survey, she explored the situation of non-English major freshmen in higher vocational colleges using mobile word memorization software for English vocabulary learning and the influence of mobile word memorization software on students' English learning.

In order to thoroughly implement the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work of Colleges and Universities and carry out the fundamental task of establishing virtue and fostering people, teacher Wang Yun introduced the urgency and necessity of ideological and political thinking in the curriculum, then introduced the way and method of integrating ideological and political elements into professional courses.

At the end of the seminar, Mr. Xie Zhijun, dean of School of Foreign Languages, made a summary. He first thanked the teachers for their selfless sharing, which has broadened their thoughts on scientific research projects. Secondly, Mr. Xie gave corresponding guidance and suggestions on teachers' sharing and reporting.