
The Successful Acceptance Check of The First——Phrase Project of The Foreign Language ComprehensiveTraining Center


On December 15, 2022, the first-phase project of the Foreign Language Comprehensive Training Center of the School of Foreign Languages passed the check and acceptance of the College.

The project was implemented in January 2022, including an English training center and a Japanese training center, which can accommodate at least 45 students. The English training center combines virtual reality technology (VR) helmet with language teaching, so that students' listening, speaking and communication skills can be truly trained in the virtual reality environment.With the background of Japanese characteristic culture, the Japanese training Center is equipped with a foreign language intelligent teaching system to create live cosplay, tatami, tea ceremony experience, etc., so that students can fully experience Japanese culture and enhance their understanding of the language.

  According to the project requirements, the construction of the English and Japanese training centers has been completed in November, and the software and hardware were fully equipped.In December, the centers passed the examination and acceptance of the college. The two centers can achieve the expected teaching effect, namely, the goal of training students' language skills and vocational skills in the virtual simulation environment.