



    After graduated from my college in 2003, I started my first job at an  Import-Export company in WGQ Free Trade Zone, which is a listed company dealing  with international trade and all kinds of related businesses. During the 3+ years in this I/E company, I accumulated some valuable  experience in logistics, in particular, the bonded business in WGQ Free Trade  Zone. At that time, I get to know who is Customs and CIQ (China Inspection and  Quarantine Bureau); whose name once appeared in our books, and how to handle  customs clearance for bonded or non-bonded businesses. After that, I felt kind  of frustrated with my future. “Should I keep this job since I’ve been quite  familiar with what I’m doing now?” “Are there any new things I want to know or  to do?” Suffering for quite some time, I decided to quit my job to pursue my  career for a further development. I got prepared to take new challenges.In 2007, I got my new offer from IKEA, the world renowned furnishing  company in Sweden, as a customs administrator in DSAP (Distribution Center Asia  Pacific.) The following year, I was promoted as customs specialist in my team.  Even we don’t want to admit time is really flying. It has been another 3years  passed! I got matured, physically and psychically. I learned more about how to  dealing with people. Here I mean is how to cooperate with people, especially  when conflicts rose up. How IKEA influence me are the value and the vision- to  create a better everyday life for the many people. As a retail company, customer  service goes first. I became more customers-oriented. In my life, customers can  be anyone- your colleague, your business partner, or even your manager or anyone  else.To shortly close up, no matter where we are now, never ever forget- Living  your dream!




    触动传媒平面设计师,外语系商务英语专业03级毕业生。毕业后,在东华大学Raffles Design Institute的平面设计专业攻读本科学位,并获得“优秀学生毕业”荣誉称号。曾先后在34A广告公司实习,设计的作品深受好评。 



