Chen Chen


Teacher's personal introduction


Name: Chen Chen

Professional TitlesInstructor

Teaching and Research Areas: 

1. Provide counselling and coordinated mental/behavioral health services to students and oversees high risk cases in conjunction with various offices. 

2. Provide strategies and recommendations for addressing service demands and student mental health needs.

3. Communicate with student families, Student Affairs Office and campus mental health professionals as circumstances indicate to support students' safety.

4. Provide crisis management, individual counselling, and group facilitation (as needed) for students.

5. Share duties for workday on-call back up to after-hours services. 

6. Maintain availability to respond to calls of concern from students' families, faculty, and friends. Ensures appropriate response to these situations.

Academic Qualification:

08. 2020- 10. 2021    Applied Social Sciences | M.A.|City University of Hong Kong, HK, China

03. 2016- 01. 2019    Business English | B.A.| School of Distance Education, Nanjing University, China

09. 2012- 06. 2015    Business Administration | A.BA.| HKU SPACE Global College, Suzhou, China

Work Experience:

10.2022- No        Information Engineering College, Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University, Counsellor

11.2015- 08.2020    Specific Positions for College Graduates at the Grass-Roots LevelAnhui Province

Recent Awards:

10.2016             Teacher Qualification Certificate (English)

12.2014             CET-6 Certificate

07.2013             Cambridge Business English Certificate Preliminary

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