International Exchange

Zhongqiao and Beppu Met to Boost Cooperation

Release Time:2023-03-21Views:26

Prof. Huo Jiazhen, President of Zhongqiao University and Prof. Tomonaga E, President of Beppu University pushed for more cooperation between the two institutions during a recent meeting held on 24 February 2023.

The online video conference, chaired by Ms. Wang Ling, Director of International Exchange Department of Zhonqqiao University, was also joined by Prof. Liu Shuyun, Zhongqiao’s Vice President, Ms. Hu Jijing, Director of Japanese Language Study Unit of Zhongqiao, and Mr. Yao Yulong of Beppu’s Faculty of International Management, as well as Ms. Zhu Zhengqi, Project Manager for Beppu University and its Partners in Shanghai.

During the meeting, Huo and Tomonaga not only presented the respective vision of Zhongqiao and Beppu to the participants, but also showed the road ahead for future cooperation, displaying great enthusiasm for bringing more programs to benefit the two universities.

Huo pointed out that maintaining a good partnership with Beppu is what Zhongqiao is hoping for. Beppu has a history of more than 100 years, and there is a lot for Zhongqiao to learn. He hopes that Beppu can do more to help Zhongqiao’s college students upgrade their academic level through the mutual recognition agreement on credits. He said he would like to see more teachers and students going to each other for short-term and/or long-term visits, pursuing academic exchanges and researches in feature specialties such as food nutrition and cultural relics. Prof. Liu Shuyun expressed her full support for the cooperation between the two universities and said that she would do her best to assist the President in implementing the plans.

Tomonaga stressed that although the COVID-19 interrupted international exchanges, it did not halt the development of the two institutions. As a result, there have been great changes and progress in recent years. This is especially the case since Zhongqiao University was upgraded to undergraduate level, which is producing more cooperation space. He said that he would warmly welcome all visits by Zhongqiao’s leaders or teachers or students to Beppu University.

Shortly before the remarks of the two presidents, Ms. Zhu Zhengqi briefed the audience the collaboration history between the two universities. She recalled that Zhongqiao’s friendly relationship with Beppo dated back as early 2010. During these years, Zhongqiao sent students and teachers to Beppu for short-term exchanges and study, as well as third year college students to Beppu for long-term undergraduate studies who thus obtained their degrees there.

Founded in 1908, Beppu University is located in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu Island, Japan. With a century-old school history, the University offers bachelor’s, master's and doctoral programs in national literature, history, education, cultural relics, nutrition, fine arts, etc. Beppu has partnership with many universities in the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom and China. For instance it has a mutual credits recognition scheme and students exchange programs with Fudan University and others Chinese universities.